Serious Cases Of Internet Addiction

internet-addiction                                                     A COUPLE addicted to computer games let their real baby starve to death while raising a virtual daughter online.                                                                                                                  Police said the couple spent up to 12 hours a day at internet cafes, leaving their three-month-old daughter home alone at their apartment in Suwon, South Korea.Police said the couple became obsessed with living online and neglected their real lives, The Sun reports.They raised an avatar baby through their profiles on a Second Life-style game called PRIUS, while their real daughter was given just one bottle of milk a day.Father Kim Yoo-chul, 41, and mom Choi Mi-sun, 25, called the emergency services when they returned from one online session in September last year and found their daughter dead.”We found she had passed away when we woke up in the morning,” they said.But cops became suspicious about how severely dehydrated the baby was.A spokesman for the National Scientific Criminal and Investigation Laboratory, which carried out an autopsy on the girl, said, “she appears to have starved to death because she was not fed for such a long period of time.”The girl was initially well cared for by her grandmother but her health deteriorated after she moved back in with her parents.Police tried to arrest the parents but they disappeared after the baby’s funeral.Authorities caught up with them Tuesday and charged them with child abuse and neglect.The couple told police of their guilt after their arrests.”Due to our sense of guilt, we have not been to a PC gaming room over these five months,” they said.Online games are massively popular in South Korea.A 28-year-old man dropped dead recently after playing his favorite game Starcraft for 50 hours non-stop without eating or drinking.A South Korean man has died after reportedly playing an online computer game for 50 hours with few breaks.
The 28-year-old man collapsed after playing the game Starcraft at an internet cafe in the city of Taegu, according to South Korean authorities.
The man had not slept properly, and had eaten very little during his marathon session, said police.
Multi-player gaming in South Korea is extremely popular thanks to its fast and widespread broadband network.
Games are televised and professional players are treated, as well as paid, like sports stars.
Professional gamers there attract huge sums in sponsorship and can make more than $100,000 a year.
They are the types of games that completely engross the player. They are not games that you can play for 20 minutes and stop
Professor Mark Griffiths.
The man, identified by his family name, Lee, started playing Starcraft on 3 August. He only paused playing to go to the toilet and for short periods of sleep, said the police.
“We presume the cause of death was heart failure stemming from exhaustion,” a Taegu provincial police official told the Reuters news agency.
He was taken to hospital following his collapse, but died shortly after, according to the police. It is not known whether he suffered from any previous health conditions.
They added that he had recently been fired from his job because he kept missing work to play computer games.
Small minority
Online computer games are some of the most popular and largest growth areas in interactive entertainment.
Players can easily get immersed and feel compelled to play for hours at a stretch, particuarly in massively multiplayer online role playing games – MMORPGs – in which thousands of gamers play and interact in shared fantasy or science fiction worlds.
Reports of gamers spending 10 to 15 hours a day in front of video games, such as the highly popular World of Warcraft and EverQuest, are becoming more frequent. Experts say gamers should take regular screen breaks.
Psychologist Professor Mark Griffiths, author of several in-depth studies into online gaming and gambling addiction, told the BBC News website that, according to his research, playing excessively was not problematic in any shape or form for the majority of gamers.
He said: “It does seem to be the case that online gaming addiction for a small minority is a real phenomenon and people suffer the same symptoms as traditional addictions.
“But the good news is that it is a small minority.”
In one detailed survey of 540 gamers, Professor Griffith and his team found that there were four playing more than 80 hours a week, which is considered “excessive”.
He explained many people liked to play MMORPGs for long periods of time because of the social aspect of the games.
“They are the types of games that completely engross the player. They are not games that you can play for 20 minutes and stop.
“If you are going to take it seriously, you have to spend time doing it,” he said.
But he warned there was a difference between “healthy enthusiasm” and “unhealthy addiction.” People who sacrificed jobs, partners and loved ones were considered “extreme players”.
Unlike help for traditional addictions, such as gambling, there is very little help for computer game addiction, he said.
“It is not taken seriously yet – it is the same for internet addiction,” he said.
He advised anyone worried about gaming addictions should contact their local GP and get referred to a psychologist.
More than 15 million people, or 30% of the population, are registered for online gaming in South Korea. The country also host the annual World Cyber Games.